Coronavirus Update

As of March 17, Village stopped holding in-person services and programs until further notice. We take these precautions out of a desire to serve and love our neighbors and slow the spread of the coronavirus. We are urging our church to heed the Governor’s executive order to stay at home for the next few weeks, except for essential travel and work.

This does not mean, however, that we are closing down as a church. After all, the church isn’t a building or programs, but a people! We’re still holding services in an online format. We post the sermon and a liturgy for home worship each Saturday night at on our Worship at Home page.

Additionally, we’re staying connected to one another through this time by using Zoom, calling and texting one another, and through social media. If you are not connected to a church community, we’d love to talk with you and help you find hope in this lonely time.

Also, importantly, our Food Pantry is remaining open, as an essential service to the community. We will be open every Friday from 9:30 to noon. For more details, visit our Food Pantry page.

We hope to resume normal operations at Village as soon as possible, but we are committed to slowing the spread of this virus, and will take these measures as long as we believe is wise. You can stay up to date by checking this website or visiting our Facebook page.